Monday, June 6, 2011

Health & Human Performance Arsenal on Blogger: TEEM Performance ...

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

  • Memorial Day Emergency

  • Weather: A Prime Time to Get Up and Get Out

  • Barefoot Week

  • 2+10%

Memorial Day Emergency
I had planned on writing this email on Sunday, the day before Memorial Day. But, Today is appropriate since we are almost one week post-Memorial Day feast. True? So, read the information below as if we were wondering what to do with our fullness between cookouts and between days of the week:

After stuffing myself let me be clear. If any of us know we are going to stuff ourselves at any point this summer, then make it a smart choice. You mean you want me to eat sprouts and greens at my cookouts? No. There is the potential to go all out. I did. But, know that eating more and feeling means that moving around is in the recipe. Monday, even though it was a holiday was a great time to sleep in but it's also a great time to get in some fitness because you have more time to do it. I hope no one said that they did not have enough time after all it's a holiday. Fight through holiday schedules and treat yourself physically, which will ultimately help you mentally in order to help yourself at the table.

Weather: A Prime Time to Get Up and Get Out
Raise your hand if you can identify with this sentence: "I am not a morning person." Well, I feel our pain. Getting up at 5am-something is difficult, but when it is necessary, as in training someone or when individually training yourself, just buckle up and go for it. Here is a prime example of why it is important to wake up early to treat yourself well:

Washington, DC weather.

Sure people in San Diego may not understand. Floridians fight off mosquitoes. New Englanders can get away with wearing long-sleeves or pants in June. But, the humidity that hits your face especially when the sun is hottest between 10am and 4pm in DC is, well, unfair! In this case, sometimes waking up at 6am just to go outside is impossible because the air quality and heat is insurmountable. However, if it is remotely cooler than that 5:30am wake up call to go outdoors and walk, run, or bike is not so bad. Really. Protect yourself in harsh weather (i.e., hydrate, wear heat proper attire - UnderArmour provides a lot as do other brands, do not faint!)

Even better - do not go out at all. But, if you stay indoors clean a space out and strengthen away!

Summer + DC weather + The afternoon = Vicious

Barefoot Week
June 1st to June 7th marks Barefoot Week. What can bare feet do for you?
1) Strengthens your foot muscles
2) Improves your balance
3) Helps your back - you use your body's natural lengthening and cushioning ability. Minimalist shoes aren't working for nothing!
4) Toughens the skin on the bottom of your feet

Looking back at history we never wore shoes until someone probably stepped on a thumb tack or in dung on a farm. We evolved just fine without shoes. Shoes are still awesome. But, alternating between shoes and bare feet (with respect to foot ulcers and skin degradation) has a positive effect. Join in!

FYI...The 2+10% promo ends on Tuesday, June 7th. That is, two extra sessions plus 10% off.

Be fit,


barneys brett lawrie cowboy hayabusa sum 41 melaleuca aapl

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