Saturday, January 21, 2012

NYC Union Chief Proves Gov. Walker Right: Tougher Teacher Evaluations Must Be Negotiated Into Contract

Disturbingly10ayshus ? January 18th, 2012 - 8:33 am

Well.. there's a lot more to it than that. There's A LOT of reasons that our kids are failing and it's NOT all because of "no child left behind". That's part of it.

Here is CA, about 75% of the funds go to teachers and their pensions. Our teachers just about have to commit murder to be fired. Parents are not involved enough in their children's education. Fathers are absent. Classrooms have degenerated because teachers are afraid to discipline.

Look at the stats around the country and you can see that the Dept of Education needs to go away. Unions need to go away. We need a voucher system and competition. The students must be disciplined. Their parents must teach the value of education and demand good grades from their kids. Parents must be involved and willing to go to parent / teacher conferences. No child should enter the mainstream of public education until they can speak and write English. If they do not get a passing grade, (and it MUST be earned properly), they should have to take that grade over until they get it.

There needs to be recognition for excellent students so they can be who other students look up to as inspiration. There needs to be tutoring available for students who are having a hard time.

And charter schools. Each student should be able to take their voucher and go to what ever kind of school they want. Lastly, it is LIBERAL policies that have destroyed the educational system, NOT conservatives. I graduated in 1975 and had come from back east. When I got to CA in 1965, I was so far ahead that they wanted to bump me forward 2 grades. When I entered high school, the textbooks were over 10 years old.

I had a long conversation with a principal once. I asked him where all the money was going. He began to describe how for example, a repair on a building was needed. He said that the union repairman showed up late.. then said, oops, forgot my wrench. Went to get it. Came back and diddled a bit and said, Oh, time for lunch, etc. It took this goon a whole day to do a 20 minute repair and that this situation was typical. And the goon was likely being paid $30.00 + an hour.

The school system is a chaotic disaster. It could be cleaned up pretty quickly by some common sense educations specialist and some business people. Get rid of the unions, no tenure until you've proven yourself- like maybe after 10 years, get rid of the dept of education and return the systems to the states, make them compete for pupils and we're on our way!


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