Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Nov. 6, 2011. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner, Pool)
MISSION VIEJO, Milton Weinstein: Letter-writer Norman Ewers? facts are made up [?White House encouraging Mideast madness,? Nov. 4]. There is no such thing as Palestinian homeland. Israelis were there long before the so-called Palestinians.
As for wanting peace, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered a peace plan including dividing Jerusalem, making East Jerusalem, and the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, was afraid to accept this even though it was a great peace offer. President Bill Clinton was disgusted with former Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat when he reneged on the peace deal under threat of assassination if he signed it. Instead, Arafat sent his wife and daughter to Paris with millions of U.S.-donated dollars.
How can you have peace when the Arabs in Gaza do not recognize their own leader (Abbas) of the West Bank? How can you have peace when they also refuse to recognize Israel, and want to drive Israel into the sea? There are 1 billion Arabs and 7 million Israelis. Speaking of Israelis, five Israelis have received a Nobel prize for their work in science and medicine. The prize for the Arabs is sending rockets into Israeli homes and schools.
Ewers? complains that Israel receives money from the United States? Well, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt and so-called Palestinians receive money, too. Israel is a democracy, and we pour millions of dollars into Iraq to be one, too. So far, no luck. The United Nations is the most corrupt institution in the world. UNESCO is a joke.
Given the chance, Americans would withdraw instantly. In Israel, Arabs are elected to the Knesset, How many Jews serve in Arab countries? Other writers criticize Israelis from time to time; that?s OK. Norman Ewers? diatribe criticism is hate.
Allred?s strategy
ANAHEIM HILLS,?Bob Elliott: Attorney Gloria Allred is trying to do to Herman Cain what she did to Meg Whitman. In Whitman?s case, it was to trot out a woman to demonstrate alleged abuse of an illegal employee. In Cain?s case, it?s trotting out a woman who accuses him of sexual harassment many years ago. Both efforts had but two purposes. One, to get Allred?s mug on TV again, and, two, to derail the candidacy of a conservative person who might be elected to high office. She doesn?t care squat about abuse of anyone.
A group should take out a high-profile ad and ask for anyone who has ever been hurt in some way by attorney Gloria Allred to contact them. Then call a press conference and let them tell their stories; that would be a hoot. [See ABC interview Bialek and Allred here.]
MISSION VIEJO,?Burl Estes: It is interesting to compare the mainstream media air and print time given to Herman Cain?s accusers, three of whom remain anonymous, with Sharon Bialek, the fourth, giving press conferences with Gloria Allred at her side, with the airtime given Paula Jones. Not only did the mainstream media largely ignore Jones, when commentators did acknowledge her it was to attack her personally (e.g. big hair, makeup put on with a paint roller, what you?d expect if you dragged a $100 bill through a trailer park, etc.).
Does anyone besides me see a double standard being applied here?
The immigrant woes
SAN CLEMENTE,?Beverly Hanes-Simon: I have had it with the articles by Yvette Cabrera about immigrants and their financial woes. For the last two days I have read about families who could not afford to live comfortably. I know if I had five or six children to raise, I couldn?t live comfortably either. My husband and I knew we could afford two children, certainly not six.
In another Cabrera article, ?Hard work doesn?t work like it used to? [Nov. 6], the father had been living in the United States for 30-plus years and was interviewed speaking Spanish. It is my guess that speaking English is required for most jobs in which the salary would be high enough to feed and house seven or more family members.
This is not a cultural issue, it is an economic issue. In the United States one has only as many children as one can afford. [See more letters on illegal immigrants]
IRVINE,?Laurie H. Prentice: I always have to steel myself when I read one of Yvette Cabrera?s columns, except this time I made it all the way through her pity-inducing story, ?Alejandra?s two lives? [Nov. 8].
The adorable 12-year-old Alejandra is finally living the life she should have as a pre-teenager, albeit not at home with her family. Thank goodness that entities like the Boys Hope-Girls Hope exist or she would be stagnating in a one-bedroom-one bath with her mother and five siblings. Alejandra, at 12, is the eldest of the six children and her mother cannot afford to raise all of them.
Did her mother ever think to stop having children? Where is the father? Or, excuse me, the fathers? The mother thought they could all survive with the help of God, but not the help of the children?s fathers? I know it can?t be easy to live apart from her family, but maybe from living a different life, she will have instilled in her the good sense to live a responsible life.
No payoff to treat seniors
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO,?Joe Pulone: The entire article ?Fewer specialists to treat aging population? [Health matters, Nov. 6] fails to address the real reason medical students are not specializing in older patients: it?s called Medicare.
Medicare payments to all medical providers are a fraction of what is billed to the patient. The article addresses the difference in income between medical specialties yet doesn?t tell you why. And under Obamacare, he is proposing reducing their payments even further. If a medical student is going to spend 10 years and close to $200,000 getting a license to practice, he or she might as well pick a specialty that would pay more, and you can?t blame them.
The compassion to serve
NEWPORT BEACH, Jeff Morgan: The Weiner family is a great example of how adversity makes you stronger [?Philanthropy Day winners: Diablos or angels?? Local, Nov. 3]. What happened to Samantha Weiner and her family because of Samantha?s bout with cancer is a tragedy. The family could have become bitter and withdrawn; instead they turned a bad situation into a passion to make a positive difference.
This reinforces the saying that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we react to it. Kudos to Mission Viejo High School for latching on to a good thing. These young adults will learn the value of compassion and empathy. Good actions give us strength and inspire good action in others. The collective influence of giving and caring will continue on and on without end.
Pawns of the party?s line
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Kathleen Parker: Two people read the same article, listen to the same ?news? story and come away with entirely different versions. They become ?sick and tired? of the other?s position. To be the pawn of either party is to stop rational thinking. To toss out vindictive, hateful rhetoric and spout ?facts? one cannot possibly back up is only repeating ?talking points.?
Are we a nation of parrots in sheep?s clothing? If so, please join the Occupy Wall Street crowd and be sure to send extra taxes to pay for their upkeep.
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